Go Local: Join a CSA Today!

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. CSA is where families and individuals purchase seasonal membership shares (or half shares) for one flat price and in return receive un-sprayed, organic or certified organic fruits and vegetables from local farms and gardens.

Some memberships even include real milk and butter, eggs, local honey and fresh-cut flowers – how cool is that?!

HOW IS THE FOOD DELIVERED? Goods are typically distributed from one location whether it’s from the farm, a local church or health food store.

Some CSA’s require members to contribute a few hours per month to help with composting, planting, weeding, harvesting and distribution.


  • Reduce the number of miles that food travels to your kitchen table
  • Save $$$
  • Learn what it takes to make things grow
  • Make new friends
  • Be out in nature, touching dirt
  • Taste new things
  • Meet people who think the same way you do about food, nutrition, health and gardening
  • Improve your health
  • Cook more meals at home with fresh ingredients
  • Reduce your exposure to toxic pesticides and herbicides
  • Be inspired to grow your own food at home
  • Children discover that cherry tomatoes are as sweet as pop tarts and carrots really come from the ground!
Here are some of the CSA’s in my area.

Sign up today!

2 Responses

  1. How Cool I just found your blog. I can't believe you are from our area in NN. That is wild. My husband was just talking about joining one of these and we were wondering where they were in our area. The victor one would be perfect for us. Thanks for the info.

  2. Woops I typed NN and meant NY of course. Anyways We are trying to learn more about eating healthy, as my Hubby has a Heart Transplant. I look forward to browsing through your archives.

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